Tuesday, June 17, 2014

...And then there were 50

So today was back to the lab for a blood draw and then to the office for an ultrasound. The sweet lab tech missed the vein in my arm and ended up drawing out of my hand at my request. Lab draws add 3 more needle pokes. Dr. D said there were 50 plus follicles today and she doesn't think I can take much more, there isn't room for my ovaries to grow much more. I get to trigger tonight. Triggering is exciting because we're moving forward, however with triggering will most likely come bloat and misery. Please pray that by proactively drinking Gatorade and chicken broth I will ward off the OHSS and that God will watch over all involved! :) Yes I'm heavily drinking clear Gatorade (because I'm scared of food coloring) and will soon start on chicken broth, these both work to pull extra fluid out. It seems that I'm essentially trying to dehydrate with out dehydrating myself, that makes complete sense right?!?!?!?!? Read that as the Dr wants me to visit the ladies room often, VERY OFTEN. My retrieval is scheduled for Thursday at 12, I would appreciate prayers then as well. This cycle has been different from past cycles in a lot of ways but I have never before been on quite so many antibiotics. I'm hoping all of the things we're doing differently bring positive results! This Dr has an amazing pregnancy rate and I'm looking forward to adding to her positives! Yesterday I said it looks unlikely we'll get to transfer, that is still probably the case but I know prayer can change everything. So the Dr's plan A is to transfer one healthy embryo, this is different from the past as in the past we have always done 2. It turns out research is showing in partial DQ-Alpha match cases transferring 2 can actually be detrimental, thankful to have that info. If the embryo is a match then the body works extra hard to fight it off or essentially abort it and can end up fighting off the partial or non-match as well. At least that is how I understand it. Additionally I have high natural killer cells which are hopefully being quelled thanks to an Intralipid infusion, this means my body is at higher risk of fighting off the embryo's regardless. Most women have a "switch" in their body that "flips" when they are pregnant so that the body doesn't fight off the foreign object (embryo), mine doesn't flip. I'm excited and positive and yet trying not to get my hopes up too high because I know the heartbreak that can follow. It's hard to not be excited though, I'm still imagining what the nursery will look like and whether the due date will fall on my birthday or not. I feel like the next baby will be a girl and a name is picked, and while we don't have a boy name picked we do have plenty of boy stuff so another boy would be ok too! See it's hard not to be excited and get lost in the excitement.